Parameter [...] : Uang ??
Tapi kalo mau dipaksain, bisa juga seh:
parameter kesabaran : Uang --> berarti dengan lo dibayar lebih (atau mendapatkan sesuatu dengan lebih murah), lo bisa lebih bersabar terhadap sesuatu..
Hahaha...Jadi apakah Uang se-powerful itu????
Pas dulu gw sampe SD lulus, gak pernah dapet uang jajan, bawa lunchbox dari rumah. Pas SMP dapet ongkos & uang jajan dikit...pas SMA gak beda jauh lah sama pas gw SMP. Pas kuliah lumayananlah, meskipun gak bisa hura-hura..Trus pas akhir2 kuliah menjelang lulus, sempet part-time di software house kecil, dapet sejuta sebulan aja udah hepi bgt..kayaknya cukup banget...selesai part time pun bisa beli ipod 5th generation 80GB yang masih menemani gw smp sekarang ini.
Nah, bergerak pas lulus...suddenly MONEY MATTERS!!! Koq bisa????
Neh ya:
-bonyok automatically memberhentikan segala macam allowance yg biasanya jatuh ke tangan gw weekly
-bonyok, teman2 etc menanyakan 'prospek' kerjaan yang sekarang
-parameter yg gw pegang selama ini: SCORE/RANK/INDEKS PRESTASI tuh sama sekali udah gak bisa dipegang...Karena udah gak kuliah, otomatis udah gak dpt IP..he2
Jadi mulailah pencarian parameter baru...awalnya: company (tempat mendulang serpihan2 emas..he2)!
Awalnya: "wah, perusahaan gede tuh!! pasti gajinya oke"--> gak terbukti
Kemudian : "wah, MDP!! karirnya jelas tuh" --> belum tentu
Karena ketidakpastian di parameter : company/career position, bergeraklah ke hal yg lebih pasti/lebih jelas/lebih terukur/ada nominalnya..MONEY it is!!!
Buktinya adalah:
Sekarang (udah sekitar 2th kerja): "Gajinya di atas 5(juta) gak?"
Gw gak (terlalu) munafik..hihihi...
Uang penting gak?? Pentinglah!!!
Butuh uang gak?? Siapa yang gak butuh?!!!
Tolonglah ya, teman-teman... Gak semua hal ngukurnya pake duit doank....
Jujur aja gw minder klo liat temen2 gw karirnya udah lumayan, gajinya (kayaknya) gede banget, bawa gadget berlimpah, penampilannya keren....
Tapi gw pny tujuan sendiri : gw mau hepi. Kemaren ini gw mempertanyakan apakah hedonisme (seeking pleasure , mostly through money) tuh sama dgn seeking happiness...
Gw pikir iya...seringlah gw gak mau masuk ke store cuma karena gw yakin gw gak mampu beli, trus gmn happy nya gw klo gw bisa makan makanan yg gw suka, bisa shopping tanpa nunggu jumbo sale, gw bisa beliin barang buat org yang gw sayang....
Titik baliknya:
Gw baru2 ini kena 'dikomporin' temen-temen gw soal sebuah gadget yang lagi nge-hip banget...Gimana gak 'panas', tiap x ketemu cuma ngomongin itu doank...pada mempertanyakan : "masa segitu doank gak mampu?","udah murah koq sekarang" (padahal tuh satu makhluk gak kuar duit sepeser pun buat tuh gadget [baca: dibeliin]). Akhirnya...dengdengdengdeng...I BOUGHT IT!!!! YEAH....
Harusnya gw hepi bukan???
Harusnya gw puas bukan??
Harusnya gw lega bukan???
ternyata: TIDAK!!
lah, koq bisa????
Habis gw pesen itu barang:
- mulailah omongan: "Hah? Lo dapetnya segitu? Mahal kali, gw dapetnya ..(nyebutin angka yg lebih kecil dr yg gw dapet)" T.T
- cek saldo tabungan: menipis dan menuju kebangkrutan
- mulai nyadarin gw gak butuh-butuh banget itu barang...
Akhirnya gw jadi "sedih deh...." niru kata2nya Sandra Dewi di quicky express...
Mana neh??? Salah dunks gw jadi hepi klo pny barang?! Apa gara2 duit gw mulai tipis ya?
Tapi somehow kayaknya bukan gara2 itu...duit mah pembawa kesengsaraan...Bukan berarti lo punya duit jadi sengsara..tapi statement itu jadi valid klo lo terikat ma uang.
Jadi (sekali lagi) tolong ya teman-teman...
jangan ukur segala sesuatu dari uang.
Mungkin aja gaji lo 10 juta, tapi lo jarang pulang ke rumah, gak bisa maen-maen...
Tapi bisa aja gaji lo cukup buat nabung n lo bisa nikmatin hidup, n yg terpenting sesuai ma keinginan lo, passion lo selama ini...
Gw dulu kesel banget kalau orang mulai nilai kerjaan gw dari gaji yang gw dapet, kalau sekarang gw berasa kasian ma itu orang dan gw ngerasa itu orang gak kenal gw.
Yah, segitu aja pesanku hari ini. soalnya diusir ma Tesdi (gw lg memperawanin laptopnya dy).he2
-baru gajian kemaren n gak ngerasa hepi 'bout it-
Q&A <> Slumdog Millionaire
"Originally published as Q&A"...I bought the book which has its film poster on its cover (It shows Latika running with black background) - not the original cover (I love the original cover - but my boyfriend said that it is a waste to buy a book which I already have just because I want to have the one with original cover on it..^^)
I bought it in the first place because my friend told me the film based on this book will be a BIG HIT, and it was!!! Actually, the film won Best Picture in Academy Awards. Hmm...
I read the novel & I watched the movie, and it is natural to compare what I feel about those two. Perhaps u already guessed that I like the book better..It's true! hahaha... And I don't think this film was based on this book like other films, such as Harry Potter, Da Vinci Code, etc. The film is totally different from the book. And the film (just like other films based on books) lacked in many things. So U MUST READ this novel..
What I see in the book:
1. a very rich story about an orphan who struggled for his life : how he found friendship, how he showed his empathy tho others, how he protected other people as his own family, how he first had sex 'n finally felt love...how he had & lost money, people who love him, friends, knowledge ....
2. the stories in this book are not chronologically told (it is based on the questions given in the quiz)...so it is very exciting to finish this novel with a lot of things may come up between stories...
3. the quality & variety of knowledge offered within the stories were both entertaining & triggered u to think hard like it was a puzzle to solve. The answers to all questions are not always given to you plainly, but perhaps it is just a simple unimportant detail in his 'big' life story , and there is a question that his particular life story points out all the wrong answers and leave out the right one for him...So sometimes you should re-read the chapter to make sure & find where this detail was laid out in the story.
What I see in the film:
The story is not as good as its book & actually they have completely different story (beside the same big idea about why the main character attend the quiz : to protect the girl he loves). The film shows us how a poor & uneducated (he went to primary school in teh beginning of film) kid can be a winner in a quiz which requires him to be very knowledgeable to win, simply because of random information he gets throughout his life & some help he got (like 50:50, ask the audience, and other things that I'm not gonna spoil).
I feel there are many missing link , such as:
- How can his blind childhood friend recognise Jamal? Jamal's voice & appearance is totally different from the last time they see each other , and I wonder how that blind kid touched Jamal's face can help him recognise Jamal....
- This "love" between Jamal & Latika : when did it start? I don't feel it at all...
Things I wanna point out:
- I like main character's name in the book : Ram Mohammad Thomas : how he got his name, how it affected his life, and why there are 3 religions name combined together (Hindu, Islam, Christian)
- I like how in the book Ram Mohammad Thomas tells us the story before the question is told, not like in the movie where Jamal tries to explain how he answered all questions after the police showed him the recording
- The film was too over-simplified. The book has more conflicts, more exciting things, it shows much more information that help him throughout the quiz.
Mm...I think that's all ... experience both the book & film yourselves 'n tell me what u think...
InTro ---
I'm gonna write about :
- what I've experienced myself
- what I feel
- what I wonder about
- what I think 'bout things..etc
It is said that I'm allowed to write & post ANYTHING I want because it is MY blog, so please feel free to read, see, enjoy, comment or/and criticize, blah blah blah..
It's long enough to be an intro...
Enjoy it..
Hope U love it.